Nova Scotia Lighthouse | Liverpool Nova Scotia | Fort Point Lighthouse

Sandy Lane
Vacation Rentals
135 Water St
Shelburne, Nova Scotia
B0T 1W0 Canada

tel: 1 902 875 2729
toll-free: 1 800 646 1577
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Guest Testimonials

 This place is incredibly beautiful. Summerset Cottage is spotless, modern and beautifully decorated. It has everything you’re likely to need. It takes only 3 minutes to walk to Summerville Beach. You can hear the waves rolling onto the beach from the house. It’s incredible. I’d love to go back again.

 Halifax, Canada, 2022
We've had a great week. Weather was beautiful; sunny and warm almost everyday. We went to Halifax, Peggy's Cove, Lunenburg, Bridgewater, Shelburne, Lockeport and Mahone Bay. Our cottage was lovely and the view was breathtaking! Crescent Beach in Lockeport is lovely!
Anne, Gail, Jeff, and Lauren
London, ON, 2009
We had beautiful weather 6 out of 7 days. We enjoyed the beautifully private beach as well as this gorgeous cottage. We all felt at home immediately and feel relaxed and happy after our week at Francis Louis House.
Wain Family
New Brunswick, 2009
 The Beach Heaven cottage is an endearing and beautiful space indoors and outdoors, designed for your wellness. The photos look convincing, but it is even better in person.

Words can’t do justice to this space. But a week surrounded the beauty of sand and sea and time spent with my loved ones in this lovely home was energizing and rejuvenating and I would return again and again.

It is everything it claims to be (clean, modern, amazing location just a hop away to the shoreline, breathtaking views), and much more.

Props to John who lives next door, he is very kind and helpful.

GF side note: The fish and chips restaurant flier on the fridge has excellent gluten free fish and chips and fish cakes.
 Blainville, Canada, 2022

Fort Point Lighthouse

Fort Point Lighthouse in Liverpool Nova Scotia
Photo Credit: L. Gibbons
Fort Point Lighthouse in Liverpool Nova Scotia
Photo Credit: L. Gibbons


Described by mariners as "left on port side when entering harbour", the lighthouse was built to supplement Coffin Island.  It was eventually joined by a host of smaller lights on buoys and wharves, and even a small beacon on the town bridge, all installed to help navigate the inner harbour to the Mersey River.  It had a range of seven miles from its elevated height of thirty- nine feet.  By 1981 the range had been increased to eleven miles. Throughout the nineteenth century and well into the twentieth, it was manned by a keeper who, at first, lived in a nearby house.  Part of his responsibilities, which included regular maintenance and upkeep of the light, was to operate a hand-cranked foghorn in reply to the foghorn signals from incoming vessels as they entered the harbour.  By the turn of the century, however, an attached dwelling was added along with a storage shed which was used to house fuel oil and maintenance equipment.  The original light was red and remained so until 1926, at which time it was replaced by a flashing white light.  Three oil-burning lanterns provided the source for the light in the early years.   These were magnified by a twelve-inch round reflector.  The light was electrified in 1951 and in 1964 it was automated or "made unwatched".  The Fort Point lighthouse was decommissioned in 1989.  Today, you can enter and explore the lighthouse and learn more about it's history and the site through the interactive interpretive program.
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The closest cottages to this lighthouse are:  Summerset Cottage; and Moose Harbour View Cottage


Liverpool, Nova Scotia


Fort Point Lighthouse

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